Friday, November 18

The Kids

No, not 'kids' as in young goats, but my actual kids. The Boy and The Babe get towed around in all my scuffles around this place. While reading my previous posts, you may have asked yourself what I do with the boys while I'm taking care of everything.

The Boy gets a kick out of it and is actually a lot of help. He considers himself a real cowboy and wants to be an animal doctor when he grows up - aka, a veterinarian. He always wants a rope to tie the critters up with so that he can apply the proper amount of Band-Aids to make them feel better.

The Babe is usually in his favorite spot - on my left hip and enjoying every step. He is such a sweety and is really patient when I'm out doing some dumb thing with the animals. Occasionally though, I do have to put him down in the hay. He sticks around there most of the time because The Boy is there but I can't lie, he's had his hands on a few pieces of poop while crawling around.

They're sweet boys and sure make their mommy happy. Now, I just need to get them a little bigger and stronger so that they can start doing the milking next spring and cleaning out the corrals...

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