Sunday, February 26

Beef and the Trimmings

 Farmer John came by to check up on me & the herd one day and got caught in a conversation with The Boy. John showed incredible patience as The Boy rattled off one question after another regarding everything under the sun. John then asked if he could come pick us up sometime and take us out too see his new calves that had just been born. I don't know who was more excited - me or the boys!

The next afternoon John showed up in his side-by-side to take us on a tour of his farm. First stop was to see the pigs.

These guys are huge and stinky! There were 4 females that he was trying to get bred to this guy:

Isn't he impressive? I couldn't believe the size and he wasn't full grown. This picture just doesn't give him justice...

Next stop was the pasture in which his heifers were grazing.

 The Boy was shooting of questions so fast that poor John was tongue-tied and couldn't even get an answer out. What I did hear was that the Herferd cows (white faces) were a real pain in the ass because they had a hard time birthing and he and his son had to pull most of the calves.

When John dropped us off he noticed that my fruit trees needed a pruning. He said that he'd stop by one of these days and take care of it for me. This sounded good to me because I had no idea what to do with them.

A week or so later I look out the window to see John getting out of the truck with his brothers Duward & Carl and good ol' Mikey in tow. They four men set to work trimming up the trees. I threw coats on the boys and we headed out. They guys know how to prun. They didn't waste anytime getting things taken care of.

As they were getting ready to leave Duward let me know that as long as they were around, they'd be there to help me out. I am so blessed to have such great friends!

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