Monday, October 3

Milk Bags

Seven of our female goats are pregnant and due any time now. Actually, I've been saying that for over a month . Apparently I'm not the only one getting anxious for these ladies to pop. We have a good family friend that called me the other day to see how things were going - Farmer John. I love this man to bits and he is always checking in on me now that I'm in charge of things around here. Here's how the conversation went,

"Trish, have the milk bags came in yet?"
"Excuse me?"
"Have the goats gotten there milk bags?"
"Oh, no. No milk bags yet."
"Ok. Just keep an eye on them."

It's funny the conversations that come up when livestock is involved.

Farmer John, you'll be happy to know that the milk bags have come.

1 comment:

  1. trish! you are helarious. looking forward to reading about your awesome life on the farm! xoxo
