Wednesday, October 26

New Additions

Welcome to the farm Shadow & Chance!

Too Short finally gave birth this afternoon to two adorable kids - Shadow (female) and Chance(male). Here's how it went down...

Around noon Sammi's mom comes in the door and informs us that we have a goat on the loose. After the customary cussing, I put on my flip-flops and headed out the door. Of course it was Martha. She's a real pain in the ass and is always finding a way to get out. Knowing she wasn't supposed to be out, she amazingly found herself a way back in rather quickly. Spotting her escape route I grabbed some steel stakes and fixed the fence.

Since there had been a breach in security I had my eyes on the field the rest of the afternoon. The boys and I ran out for a quick errand and upon returning I did a quick head count. "Oh no, where's Too Short?"

There standing in the back of the field is Too Short with two babies following her around! I threw jackets on the boys and we headed out. Baby goats are so ugly that they are adorable. These two are so tiny and soft that I just wanted to cuddle them.

After watching them for awhile and giving my dad a call we head in. Of course I had to call Farmer John and give him a report. He suggested that I put them in the corals because the wind is really blowing and pretty cold. So again, I load up the boys and we head out. The babies aren't too quick yet so I easily scooped them up but Too Short wasn't following. After some gentle coaxing, bribing, and a few laps around the field, I got her in with her babies.

Feeling satisfied, I take the boys home again to make some dinner. I check outside again (still watching for escapees) and notice that someone is out at the barn. Boys in jackets again, we head out. Budd has come to inspect the new additions. I tell him that I'm concerned because they've been out for a little while and I haven't seen them nurse and Too Short skits away when they come close. Budd decides that we should intervene. He backs mama into a corner and holds her down while I try to get Shadow to nurse. I was glad to see my milking skills were still intact and I was able to squirt enough out to get Shadow interested and then sucking. Budd and I are satisfied and call it a day.

There I left them for the night. I am so anxious for the sun to come up so I can run out there and check on them again.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the sun is bringing you some relief, I know how you feel. The good news is that you got them some milk last night, nature will take over and everything should be fine. They are so cute!
