Wednesday, December 28

Goat Down...

Christmas morning brought all sorts of wonderful things to our home - hopefully yours as well.

Unfortunately, this was not the case back at the corral. When I went out to do my morning chores, I took a glance in the water trough to see if I needed to fill it up. There was something floating in it and at first I thought it must be a cat or chicken. After looking at the herd I realized that it was one of the babies. Somehow it had climbed in between the evening feeding and when I got there. The water was just low enough that the poor thing didn't drown, rather froze.

I had a picture of this unfortunate encounter but didn't have the heart to post it.

Since my family always kept animals while I was growing up, I quickly learned not to get too attached to the livestock because it will probably end up being your meal next winter. Having said that, I am really sad that the poor thing met an early death. I'm also sad that I just lost $$$

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