Wednesday, December 28

More Space

Due to the cold temperatures and many escape attempts, the goats were all placed in a corral together to live out the winter. My parents came down for the holiday and dad decided that it was time to fix some holes and move the ladies into a bigger corral so that there was more space. Honestly, I think he just likes tinkering around out there...

Here are two of my favorite guys working hard on mending fences.

The herd was moved in and appeared to enjoy the new digs but of course, they had to test the boundaries. Lia and Goliath were out quicker than you can say, "keep your furry butt in there". Lia really is no problem when she gets out. She sometimes seems more like a dog. She'll follow you around, rub up and down your leg, and beg for treats. In fact, if she would stay home like a dog, I'd probably keep her up at the house like one.

Goliath isn't too difficult when he gets out but he needs a little more force to get back in. He is starting to realize that he's the Alpha Male around and I hope he doesn't get as feisty as our beloved Eddie was. Ryan is always happy to put him back where he belongs. Sometimes it's a bit of a rodeo but no such luck this time.

As the guys were doing the repairs, The Boy shouts, "Look mom, I'm a sloth"! I'm so proud...

Unfortunately for my faithful followers, there weren't any exciting incidents that came out of this particular day. However, no matter how well we think we have a fence patched up, we are bound for a jail break any day now. In fact, Lia has already found a hole.

To be continued...


  1. Such a beautiful day. I just love the sloths in our family!

  2. Love this picture!
